Blue Lock Rivals Vs Anime Comparison (NEL ISAGI UPDATE)

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025

Комментарии • 103

  • @definiteuser
    @definiteuser  2 дня назад +14

    Like and subscribe and new video tomorrow showing Kurona

    • @jamalcaraba
      @jamalcaraba День назад +2

      can you gift me 50 or 100 lucky spins for nel isagi
      can you heart if you gifted me and if you do thx

    • @gouravgouri8786
      @gouravgouri8786 День назад

      Bro can you please give me some lucky spins cuz I wasted 28 spins and get nothing , iam broke now 😭
      but I want nel isagi so please help
      I request you pls don't forget me and ignored me it's my dream 🥺

    • @dinodragongaming7513
      @dinodragongaming7513 22 часа назад

      I will do anything for nel

    • @dinodragongaming7513
      @dinodragongaming7513 22 часа назад

      I just want a world class

    • @MichelleSmith-gn4qp
      @MichelleSmith-gn4qp 22 часа назад

      Neo egoist league

  • @unique_name445
    @unique_name445 День назад +3

    8:24 btw. Monster trance was actually in the U-20 match in season 2.

  • @zinebkhalfaoui-t4e
    @zinebkhalfaoui-t4e День назад +3

    I dont know why but the pose of the demon king move reminds me of that meme of invincible

  • @malb4647
    @malb4647 День назад +10

    You should’be saved this video when kurona came out but your video is nice and cool

    • @malb4647
      @malb4647 День назад +1

      Btw w roll for NEL ISAGI how much spins/lucky spins did it take.

  • @bananamaanvr
    @bananamaanvr День назад

    5 things vid
    2nd.shidous awek was in season 2 first 3 eps
    3.bachiras steal was ep 1 season 1 when he took from isagi
    4. monster trance was when sendou saved his shot in the u20
    5.nagis trap was when he was introduced
    other than that keep it up

  • @abrahammalsawmhluaa
    @abrahammalsawmhluaa День назад +2

    bro stole akaza from deamon slayer awaken ☠️

  • @Escapethecycleforever
    @Escapethecycleforever 2 дня назад +27

    im ngl isagi demon king move is bro going ssj

  • @Rinisdead1
    @Rinisdead1 День назад +2

    Bro fumbled with that Bachiras monster trance he did it at u20 against u20s gk and Aikus skills and kunigami push and Nel isagi

  • @selenuhyeah
    @selenuhyeah День назад +1

    Shidou literally yelling hes gonna impregnate you is actually wild

  • @TrymexLetit
    @TrymexLetit 17 часов назад


  • @JonahTarinelli
    @JonahTarinelli День назад

    Guys which one u prefer, sae or NEL Isagi

  • @Keneri
    @Keneri День назад +1

    1:48 this is not metavision dude 😭

  • @AVeryRandomAccount
    @AVeryRandomAccount День назад +5

    NEL Isagi’s Two Gun Volley is weaker than True Direct Shot and Direct Shot 💀

    • @ricardonieves5507
      @ricardonieves5507 День назад

      Its a close range shot bro wym

    • @LandonMcDonald-bp2tj
      @LandonMcDonald-bp2tj День назад

      @@ricardonieves5507they gave bachira a half court shot and hes an epic and hes not even a shooter so why is a isagi ULT shot weaker than one of the weakest shots in the game and the shot that its weaker than is also his💀 kuni is a mid range shooter in the manga too btw why is he blasting it from half court in base💀 so can shidou and barou💀💀💀

    • @ricardonieves5507
      @ricardonieves5507 День назад

      @LandonMcDonald-bp2tj its just how it is, kunigami is a complete nonsense and needs nerf ofc, bachira's shoot ability is only awakening and its tricky to score with it, atp just pass with it.
      Barou is complete trash, shidou is made for goals, why make it trash at shooting.
      + Isagi's two gun volley is not even finished and is probably a victim of the devs laziness.
      This said i dont even think that two gun volley will be that strong, is still a short ranged move, you're talking like isagi doesn't have two shots that can score mid field, 3 stealing opportunities, one incercepting shots(also scores from the mid field) and one ability that makes your teammates to give you the ball making you shoot another hydrogen bomb for the gk. Just use it in point blank, gk cant steal it from you if you use it correctly and wont react fast enough.
      Pd: at this point NEL Isagi is way better than any style and its still incomplete and the only fair move from his whole kit is two gun volley.
      Not to mention that you have free metavision on awk activation with a speed buff.

    • @liwwy2819
      @liwwy2819 День назад

      bro it’s guaranteed goal if u do it up close cause of the cutscene 🤦‍♂️ there’s one for mid-high distance and one for short distance

    • @The-NPC-Boys
      @The-NPC-Boys День назад

      Its logic nel isagi is not complete

  • @Jplayz1023
    @Jplayz1023 17 часов назад

    Hiori got that Annihilation type bro 💀

  • @VoidLejo-cb8cu
    @VoidLejo-cb8cu 2 часа назад

    What's the name of the song used in beautiful shot?

  • @AndyMesanovic
    @AndyMesanovic День назад +8

    NEL isagi sounded like Eren Yeager when he screamed

  • @Goobymcgooberson
    @Goobymcgooberson День назад +1

    My friends cousin was the first person ever to get nep isagi

  • @HenryGualberto
    @HenryGualberto 14 часов назад

    nel isagi looks like omni man

  • @qh3Lo
    @qh3Lo День назад +1

    Bro kunigami used powershot so powerfull that it started lagging my screen

    • @Cone-j3i
      @Cone-j3i День назад +1

      That’s just your bad internet

  • @editzomari4296
    @editzomari4296 День назад

    I hope chrollo add Kyora Jin🗿

  • @zabedahbujang4736
    @zabedahbujang4736 День назад

    Ngl nel isagi blue lock rivals look like thicc omni man pose

  • @xejavo
    @xejavo День назад

    Bro that isagi left foot was not that scene

  • @munirhassan-f4c
    @munirhassan-f4c 7 часов назад

    u got the same valk and hair as me

  • @MonkeyDLuffy-y2z
    @MonkeyDLuffy-y2z 2 дня назад

    For gagamaru there a scene he said "darn ill try again" but i forgot which eps

  • @Viopers
    @Viopers День назад

    NGL nel isagi looking like he's twerking

  • @AchillesNambatac
    @AchillesNambatac 17 часов назад

    I got mad when I need NEL isagi but I get don lorenzo

  • @NioGamez
    @NioGamez 2 дня назад


  • @mateovlgs7915
    @mateovlgs7915 День назад

    No, Lefty Shot is inspired by a concept of matballs

  • @Spidermananti
    @Spidermananti День назад

    Nel isagi is so chopped on demon king😂

  • @SenthilKumaar-i8s
    @SenthilKumaar-i8s День назад

    Old sae why?

  • @IsaidSosa
    @IsaidSosa День назад

    Nel Isagi is nerfed his dash is like yukimiya street dribble and you can get the ball when he does dash

  • @Doughcatuwu
    @Doughcatuwu День назад

    NEL Isagi so cool

  • @Zeiaht
    @Zeiaht 21 час назад

    NEL Isagi isn't even in the anime

  • @Ashley-vc8wo
    @Ashley-vc8wo День назад +2

    Demon king the pose at the end looks like that Omni man meme

  • @RandomAxolotlOnRoblox-123
    @RandomAxolotlOnRoblox-123 День назад +2

    Can someone tell me what NEL stands for 😭

    • @mummysworld8080
      @mummysworld8080 День назад

      Neo egoist league I think

    • @Nex-N2
      @Nex-N2 День назад

      ​@mummysworld8080 ithink it does

    • @frankow4
      @frankow4 День назад

      Neo egoist leauge

    • @AsiereDu62
      @AsiereDu62 День назад

      It Neo Egoist League

    • @Clement2015
      @Clement2015 День назад

      Neo egoist league is in the manga so u won’t know if u don’t read it

  • @ayubFrank
    @ayubFrank День назад

    hiori is in u-20 match

  • @BeibarysTilegen-s3b
    @BeibarysTilegen-s3b 15 часов назад

    3:10 long ass nose 1 3:14 long ass nose 2

  • @JJKLover628
    @JJKLover628 День назад

    7:27 he will what🤨

  • @Cyan9991
    @Cyan9991 2 дня назад

    w vid

  • @Juan-rblx2
    @Juan-rblx2 День назад

    19:24 bro copied deku's one for all sound💀

  • @Roblox_Anime4
    @Roblox_Anime4 День назад

    Dribble Yukimiya

  • @Sybily
    @Sybily 2 дня назад +1

    Yeah tbh the devs should’ve added like the guns and left direct and right direct puzzle piece on the animation.

    • @Winnerlol
      @Winnerlol День назад

      its not finished

    • @Vluxz-1
      @Vluxz-1 День назад

      There gonna add it tomorrow or technically today cis it’s 12:14 am for me but chrollo said the update wasn’t finished and ther were a bug with kurona also

    • @Div_Slayer
      @Div_Slayer День назад

      In manga it was a close range shot. So i support it to be a weaker long range short

  • @Noob_Goob
    @Noob_Goob День назад

    Old sae

  • @SenthilKumaar-i8s
    @SenthilKumaar-i8s День назад

    Nah anime beautiful shot is 1000 better than blue lock r9vals

  • @aaronnalerio3262
    @aaronnalerio3262 День назад

    Hi, can you please create an account for me because mine was hacked and I can't access your Discord :((

  • @GiornoGiovanna24
    @GiornoGiovanna24 День назад

    I got sae today

  • @Ryomen_Sukuna-q
    @Ryomen_Sukuna-q День назад

    sae still better yay

    @KITTYTWOTIME 2 дня назад


  • @Cool-244-m
    @Cool-244-m День назад


  • @Pinguin_TV12
    @Pinguin_TV12 День назад

    Two gun voley Animation is so Bad ngl

  • @obitouchiha7916
    @obitouchiha7916 День назад

    Nel isagi nerf mythical

  • @DingleRingleton1
    @DingleRingleton1 День назад

    Update kinda mid

  • @guiyusfirman4246
    @guiyusfirman4246 2 дня назад


  • @عثمان_كرافت
    @عثمان_كرافت День назад

    Give me mnay

  • @Akastudi
    @Akastudi 2 дня назад


  • @aaronpung
    @aaronpung 2 дня назад +1

    I saw garou from tsb💀😭

    • @Notallf
      @Notallf 2 дня назад

      Same lol

    • @Nuklear_Bomb
      @Nuklear_Bomb День назад

      Garou ain't from tsb bro 💀

    • @JstnXl271
      @JstnXl271 День назад

      @@Nuklear_BombI mean it’s from opm but tsb is a major copy of it and no one has shame of saying Garou is from there